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  • Alfred Nobel became a millionaire and changed the ways of mining, construction, and warfare as the inventor of dynamite (炸药). On April 12, 1888, Alfreds brother Ludwig died of heart attack. A major French newspaper ___1___ his brother f...[详情]

    关键词: 2017年,同等学力,申硕,英语,备考,练习,Alfred,
  • 1、A: Have you found your book yet? B: ____________ A. No. But I didn't remember where I had put it. B. No. I am not sure what I have done with it. C. Not yet. And I'm sure I have lost it for ever. D. Still not. It seemed to me I shall...[详情]

    关键词: 2017年,同等学力,申硕,英语,备考,练习,、,Have,
  • 1、A: A man from ATT would like to talk with the manager on the new project. Is she available? B: ____________ A. Im sorry. She is engaged just now. B. Im sorry. She is free. C. Pardon, please. She said she would come to meet sooner or...[详情]

    关键词: 2017年,同等学力,申硕,英语,备考,练习,、,man,
  • China is already the worlds third largest producer of electronics, and becoming a player in the global appliance market. Twenty years ago, U.S., European and Japanese companies started moving into China to supply the local market with house...[详情]

    关键词: 2017年,同等学力,申硕,英语,备考,练习,China,
  • Every country has its own culture. Even though each country uses doors, doors may have ___1___ functions and purposes which lead to ___2___ ifferences. When I first came to America, I noticed that a public building had two different ___3___...[详情]

    关键词: 2017年,同等学力,申硕,英语,备考,练习,Every,
  • 1、They ________ in spite of the extremely difficult conditions. A) carried out B) carried off C) carried on D) carried forward 2、Mrs. Brown is supposed ________ for Italy last week. A) to have left B) to be leaving C) to leave D) to hav...[详情]

    关键词: 2017年,同等学力,申硕,英语,备考,练习,、,They,
  • Have you ever simply wanted to give without expecting anything in return? Its __1___ to do. Most look for a reward in some way. I know I did, most of the time, but then a TV program of Oprah inspired me. She gave everyone in the audience $1...[详情]

    关键词: 2017年,同等学力,申硕,英语,备考,练习,Have,yo
  • 同等学力申硕考试答题时间不够,这是考生遇到的普遍问题,时间不够大多数是因为效率比较低,尤其是英语试卷,一般情况下大家在规定的时间里做不完阅读题,从而导致做其他题型...[详情]

    关键词: 2017,同等学力,英语,如何,避免,时间,分配,不当,
  • 第一、切实可行的词汇记忆计划 对待同等学力英语词汇不能一视同仁,要分重点有选择性的记忆,不能死记硬背。同等学力考生可选择一些好的词汇书,这些书大多对《大纲》规定的词...[详情]

    关键词: 2017年,同等学力,申硕,英语,难点,突破,第一,、,
  • 虽说今年同等学力申硕考试已经过去快一个月了,但2017年的考试准备工作可不能落下,因为准备工作做的越早,我们准备的便能越充分,我们通过考试的几率便能大上不少。下面就来给...[详情]

    关键词: 同等学力,申硕,英语考试,需要,注意,哪些,
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