To paraphrase 18th-century statesman Edmund Burke, all that is needed for the triumph of a misguided cause is that good people do nothing. One such cause now seeks to end biomedical research because of the theory that animals have rights ru...[详情]
题目:The Safety of Food 参考范文: The Safety of Food Reports of food poisonings or tainted food have been frequent in China. In late 2006, illegal amount of chemicals was discovered in turbot. In March 2007, KFC was accused of add...[详情]
题目: How Long Should the National Holiday Be ? 参考范文: How Long Should the National Holiday Be ? It goes without saying that some people prefer long vacations because they can have enough time to do things that cannot be finish...[详情]
Every profession or trade, every art, and every science has its technical vocabulary. Different occupations, however, differ widely in the character of th eir special vocabularies. In trades and handicrafts, and other vocations, like farmin...[详情]
题目:Work In the Countryside 参考范文: Work In the Countryside Many university graduates now volunteer to work in the countryside. It is reported that once hundreds of university graduates competed with one another to work as a vi...[详情]
Educating girls quite possibly yields a higher rate of return than any other investment available in the developing world. Womens education may be unusual territory for economists, but enhancing womens contribution to development is actuall...[详情]
题目:On Opening Psychological Courses 参考范文: On Opening Psychological Courses Many universities and colleges have now decided to open more psychological courses to their students. This is totally advisable and has been warmly w...[详情]
Silicon Valley is a magnet to which numerous talented engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs from overseas flock to in search of fame, fast money and to participate in a technological revolution whose impact on mankind will surely surpass...[详情]