报考同等学力申硕考试的考生们 头痛的就是同等学力英语考试了,词汇狠下心来背一背还能勉强搞定,但是对于同等学力英语语法光靠死记硬背可不行。想要学好同等学力英语语法,就必须在理解的基础上记忆。否则在做阅读理解的时候可能就会理解错误,在写作文的时候就会词不达意,甚至是语句不通。下面新阳光教育同等学力英语培训老师给大家讲下2016同等学力英语语法精讲:插入语。
Ancient men made tools of stone. For instance, they always used flint because it is easier to shape than other kinds.(未使用插入语)
Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint, because it is easier to shape than other kinds. (使用插入语)
副词插入语:frankly, especially, fortunately, indeed, however
【例句】Tourism, frankly, may promote the mutual understanding among nations.
短语插入语:generally speaking, to tell the truth, in a sense, in a word, strange to say
【例句】Parents, in a word, should never lose sight of the side-effects of computer games on their children.
短句插入语:I suppose, as I see it, I believe, what is important
【例句】Environment, what is important, has a far-reaching influence on one?s personality.
万能插入语:rather than肯前否后,这个短语可以放在句子中的任何一个成分后面。
【例句】It abolishes the presumption of innocence and places the citizen at the service of the state rather than the other way round.
to some extent 从一定程度上讲
at length 终于, 后;详细地
at the mercy of 在……支配下
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