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  • 1、He will agree to do what you require _____ him. A.of B.from C.to D.for 2、I was ______ the point of going out when he came. A.in B.to C.at D.on 3、By 1929, Mickey mouse was as popular ______ children as Coca-Cola. A.for B.in C.to D.wi...[详情]

    关键词: 2018年,同等学力,英语考试,基础,练习,、,will,
  • 1、This rock has to be _______ in order to build a road. A.blasted B.explored C.hired D.maintained 2、He did not go to the party last night, which _______ her feelings deeply. A.wounded B.injured C.hurt D.injury 3、When they returned to...[详情]

    关键词: 2018年,同等学力,英语,复习,备考,练习,、,This,
  • 1、Its high time that we ______ to school. A. would to B. went C. go D. will go 2、I was busy yesterday, otherwise I ______ your birthday party. A. attended B. had attended C. would attend D. would have attended 参考答案: 1、B 2、...[详情]

    关键词: 2018年,同等学力,英语考试,基础,练习,、,Its,
  • 1、With an eighty-hour week and little enjoyment, life must have been very ________ for the nineteenth-century factory workers. A).hostile B).anxious C).tedious D).obscure 2、The Second World War, ________ the earlier one of 1914, promote...[详情]

    关键词: 2018年,同等学力,英语,复习,备考,练习,、,With,
  • 1、A season ticket ________the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes within the stated period of time. A.grants B.promises C.entitles D.presents 2、________in the office had made a mistake, and the firm regretted causing the custom...[详情]

    关键词: 2018年,同等学力,英语考试,基础,练习,、,season
  • 1、This diploma _____ that you have completed high school. A.proves B.certifies C.secures D.approves 2、Up until that time, his interest had focused almost _____ on fully mastering the skills and techniques of his craft. A.restrictively B...[详情]

    关键词: 2018年,同等学力,英语,复习,备考,练习,、,This,
  • 1、Can you _______ the man who robbed you of your watch? A.illustrate B.exhibit C.damage D.identify 2、Many children in developing countries can not go to school,because of _______ A.property B.sword C.trace D.poverty 3、What is your ___...[详情]

    关键词: 2018年,同等学力,英语,复习,备考,练习题,、,Can,
  • 1、Those _____ to go to the exhibition should inform the office. A. not wanting B. who not want C. not wanted D. are not want 2、The mountain village is my hometown. I spent ______ merry night there when I was young. A. a great many B. pl...[详情]

    关键词: 2018年,同等学力,英语,复习,备考,练习,、,Those
  • 1、远期: forward这是一种最简单的衍生金融工具,它是在确定的未来某一时期,按照确定的价格买卖一定数量的某种资产的协议。在远期合约中,双方约定买卖的资产称为标的资产,约...[详情]

    关键词: 2018,同等学力,经济,---,货币,银行学,练习,、,
  • 1、All flights________because of the terrible weather, they had to go there by train. A.were canceled B.had been canceled C.having canceled D.having been canceled 2、The author of the report is well________with the problems in the hospita...[详情]

    关键词: 2018年,同等学力,英语,复习,备考,练习题,、,All,
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